Friday, 8 October 2010

Pick of the week...The trouble with Deadpool?!?!

Earlier this year it looked like Marvel was taking note by ending the series "Deadpool: Merc with a mouth" but a few months later, they suddenly launch a brand new title, "Deadpool Max"...WTF!!! Looking further at this title, it has the team of David Lapham & Kyle Baker behind it, two respected creators so I decided to give the book a go. And do you know what...I like it!!! A well written first issue about Deadpool's handler Bob and what it takes to get into Hammerhead's domain so he can give Wade Wilson access and take him out once and for all. The reason's I like this book 1.) As with all Max books, they aren't bogged down with the mainstream Marvel continuity, (curse you Daniel Way!) 2.) Deadpool's hardly in it!! I normally find there's two mindsets people have when they look at new comics, those that follow the writer's and those that follow the artists. I'm fans of both of Lapham and Baker but reading them both on a character I can't stand left me feeling torn, so kudos guys for making me read a character I can't abide. As to how long this title will last, only time will tell...