Saturday 22 May 2010

Heroic Pick of the Week

Going through my personal pick list this week, I've been reading through each of them to try and find this week's pick,(not mentioning any names of course!) Some were good, some were passable but nothing grabbed me like last week's Hulk's books which were last week's pick. So I went through the new shelves during a quiet period today, (Folk too busy basking in the sunshine I guess), and I picked up Age of Heroes #1 The book kicks of with a J.Jonah Jameson story by Kurt Busiek & Marko Djurdjevic. Now admitedly I did miss his last venture in Eye of the Camera but it was great to see Kurt back doing a Marvel story. Doctor Voodoo wasn't something I picked up either but the tale by Rick Remender was fast paced and exciting, and Paul Cornell & Lenoard Kirk made a welcome (if somewhat brief) return to Captain Britain and MI:13 where Captain Britain is asked to be an Avenger by Steve Rogers himself (How can you say no to him?). Putting the book down and my head began to spin with so many thoughts; first of all, this was the best anthology book I'd read since Marvel's three issue Strange Tales! Filled with first rate creators and top notch characters introducing you to Marvel's new "Heroic Age" theme, and the possibilities of how these stories could develop; (Are we looking at the death of MI:13 in a similar way Alpha Flight went? And if you wanna know what's happening with the Sorceror Supreme, check out the Previews of the New Avengers relaunch coming next month). And also if someone came into my shop wanting to get into comics and not knowing where to start, I'd give them a copy of Age of Heroes #1 cause it's a great jumping onto the new look Marvel Universe, a thing other publishing houses should look at when introducing a new direction or major event. Well done Marvel!

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