Friday 28 May 2010

An ode to Plamiotti and Conner's Powergirl

It was with some sadness that I read a few months ago that Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner were going to end their run on Powergirl with issue #12. All the way through their run, Power Girl has been a lighthearted, fun and refreshing read, a thing that is sorely lacking in the majority or mainstream characters nowadays (Spiderman & Superman are two titles that immediately spring to mind)Everything doesn't have to be grim and overly complicated, you can write a positive in a book today without it feeling lame. Add that with the awesome artwork of Amanda Conner then you've got an enjoyable title for all comic book fans and if you haven't bought the title (shame on you if you haven't) you can look forward to the graphic novel collection of their run.
Yesterday I read Powergirl #12 and I could do nothing but smile all the way through as they tied up all their story threads nicely with the same love and attention they've shown throughout their run before passing the torch onto Judd Winick and artist Sami Basri, (a few people I know have raised a few concerns regarding her haircut on the promo image for the new team but judge for yourself)
Thanks for the memories Jimmy, Amanda & Justin, you'll be sorely missed :'(

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